Nils Hasenbanck

Nils Hasenbanck

Nils Hasenbanck is the founder of Tsukisoft GmbH and a senior developer. His passion is building technically elegant, easy to maintain systems. The programming language of his choice is Rust.

Bitpacking fun
January 24, 2023

Bitpacking fun

When porting a C API to Rust, it’s important to understand the underlying structure layout rules that the C compiler uses.

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Undefined Behavior: Rust comes to the rescue
December 26, 2022

Undefined Behavior: Rust comes to the rescue

Have you ever encountered a strange error or bug in your code that you just couldn’t seem to fix?

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Please don't lie about safety
November 29, 2022

Please don't lie about safety

Is this safe? Recently, I stumbled upon a function from an upstream library I was using, that looked something like this:

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Ways not to fight with the 'Borrow Checker'
November 27, 2022

Ways not to fight with the 'Borrow Checker'

The problem The borrow checker is probably the biggest hurdle for newcomers to Rust.

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